Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Getting Started

I'm not entirely sure what I intend for this blog. There are so many issues facing us right now and I wish I could have meaningful conversations about them, but that is increasingly hard to do these days. So I guess this is an experiment to see if this helps generate thoughtful conversation. If nothing else, I hope it helps me  organize my own thoughts about these very complex issues and to understand others thoughts.

When I was in high school, it was a tough time for my mother and me. My parents were going through a rough divorce which was hard on all of us and my relationship with my mother was strained. She brought me to a family counselor with her and we talked. It really helped us understand where the other was coming from. Nothing either of us did really changed, but our understanding changed a lot and that made all the difference and repaired our relationship. I guess that is what I hope for all of us now.
